What is play therapy?


“Play Therapy is based upon the fact that play is the child’s natural medium of self- expression. It is the opportunity which is given to the child to ‘play out’ their feelings and problems just as in certain types of adult therapy an individual ‘talks out’ their difficulties.” (Axline, 1947)

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Through play, children explore their internal and external worlds, both consciously and unconsciously. Play therapy helps them express thoughts and feelings, address difficulties and heal past experiences, and establish healthier ways to communicate, socialise, and regulate emotions and behaviours.


Play therapy helps build confidence and self-esteem in all aspects of life, providing strategies to manage and overcome their difficulties, whether minor or major. Overall, play therapy enables your child to view their future more positively.


Play Therapy can be delivered in two forms, individually or in group sessions. Which type of play therapy is needed is dependant on the needs of the referral, which will be discussed at the initial meeting. Play Therapy can be offered to any abilities, of any age above 3 years old. Referrals can be private, or can come through different establishments, such as education sectors or local authorities.


We offer half day packages or full day packages for establishments and also offer 1:1 and group work from private referrals. For more information, contact us.